Thank you, Members!

Thank you to everyone supporting me through my membership! The membership is a way you can get a ton of extras while supporting me at the same time. For 2024, you'll be able to get early access to either 1 or 2 books in their draft, unedited form, and more extras I'm not offering anywhere else.

The membership is currently closed, but I'll be reopening it in 2024, where members may get access to TWO new books - a new adult story featuring new characters, and the first book in the Vollywood series!


Member List

One of the benefits of becoming a patron is to have your name recognized on my website and/or newsletter. Below is a running list of active patrons (alphabetical by first name) who have provided a name to list on the site.

  • Anonymous (many)
  • Amy P.
  • Chelsea E.
  • Erin W.
  • Lauren N.
  • Martina R.
  • Megan E.
  • Melissa
  • Patti
  • Tracey Burton Hausel