Author Life: August 2019

Happy September!

I’ve gotten some requests to post more about my author life and the day-to-day of writing, so I’ll be doing monthly posts going over everything I did in the previous month and giving you a behind-the-scenes look. You all seem to really enjoy my sharing these types of posts and content in the past (I did this on a daily basis as part of my #100daysofMKAuthorLife in 2018 and have done it a little bit here and there since then) and have asked me to share some more. So what author-y things did I do in August?

  1. Boxed Set Sale. Because my brain is filled with the Royals right now (namely Prince Ethan; read on for more about his story), I decided to put a boxed set on sale which includes Books 1-3 (stories that feature Royal Heir Alexander & Rebecca, Royal Spy Marcello & Grace, and Spare Heir Arianna & Finn). The sale – 0.99 on select vendors and countries – is only live for another day or two, so pick it up using the links below: Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, Nook, Kobo, Goodreads.
  2. Plan. If you’ve followed the blog for a while, you know I LOVE to plan, and the summer is when I start planning out and finalizing my writing and publishing schedule for the next year. My editors tend to get booked early (one of my editors is already booked through September 2020!) so that’s why I tend to plan 18 months out. Things can always change (which is one reason why I won’t share exactly what’s releasing yet), but now I have good idea of how my 2020 will go author-wise.
  3. Work on Royals 11. The next book in the Royals series, which will feature Prince Ethan, came back from my copyeditor, so now I’m working on finalizing it and testing the ebook. The cover for that book was also finalized in August. Pre-order details to come really soon!
  4. Helping Authors. I love to help fellow authors and recently released some online courses to help with productivity, goal setting, and project management. I offered live sessions for the course launch (which just wrapped up) and am hard at work on creating my next course. I also give free group coaching to authors and offer paid 1-to-1 coaching, so I was busy with those sessions, too. (P.S. – if you’re an author who’d like help with your author biz, just reach out!)
  5. RWA Follow-Up. I was at the Romance Writer’s of America conference near the end of July, so my August was also filled with follow-up from that conference. I had a session on project management at that conference and had several folks reach out to me about that, and I followed up with a lot of folks I met, too. I love talking about writing, so it was great to learn and connect with my fellow authors.

August was definitely a packed month! As you may know, I manage my author biz on top of the day job and life craziness, and sometimes I wish I could do more at the end of the month. Whenever I think that, I remind myself to be realistic about what I can achieve with the time I have.

Writing out everything I accomplished for the month reminds that I DID do a lot, and that I should be proud of everything I accomplished, so I suggest you take time to write down what you did last month (big and small!) to remind yourself that you’re doing a great job, too.

Now, I want to hear from you – what are some things you did last month? Now that summer (or winter if you’re on the flip side) is almost over, what are you most looking forward to in September?


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