Only one day left in my #100Days series! Be sure to tune in tomorrow for a fun, final post. In the meantime, here’s an update on how my weekend went.
Author-wise, it went pretty well! I had three big goals (write, edit, and design), and I managed to work on two of them (write and design). I wrote over 3000 words in Seaside Valleria 4. It was a slow start, but I’ve got in a groove now and I hope it keeps up. I haven’t received Seaside Valleria 3 from my editor yet, so I wasn’t able to work on the edit goal. I did, however, do some design work and I’m loving how things are shaping up!
My goal for the next couple months will be to continue writing Seaside Valleria 4 and send it off to my editor, finalize Seaside Valleria 3 (and publish it!), and start writing Seaside Valleria 5. I’m also working on getting print editions set up for my books, but the covers are taking longer than expected. I don’t know if I’ll be able to release those this year (though I’m still shooting for that). I have a crazy fall/winter coming up, with lots of personal/day job commitments, so I don’t want to overextend myself in the midst of all that. Staying healthy is always my primary goal.
Have you enjoyed these insider looks at what I’m working on and how my progress is going? Do you want to see more of these in the future? Comment on this post and let me know (if you’re receiving the blog by email, just click “Read More” to navigate to the blog page to comment).
~xoxo Marianne
This is Post 99 of 100 as part of the #100DaysofMKAuthorLife.