Time for one more post on my weekend plans as part of the #100Days series.
If you follow the blog, you know that I took a break after finishing up my recent run of books over the last six weeks (publishing Permanently Princess, Rush, and Ripple, and drafting Frannie’s story for Seaside Valleria 3 and handing that off to my editor). I can’t tell you how much less stress and how much more calm I feel now that I have those books under my belt, and I feel energized to continue working on my author business (though not four books at a time!). I only had about 2-3 weeks break from writing and editing, but even that helped to rejuvenate my muse. I was still busy with other author tasks – catching up on admin, doing a mid-year assessment to see how things were going, and drafting my 2019 schedule – but I didn’t need to exercise the creative part of my brain for those.
So, what are my goals for this weekend?
WRITE! That creative rest paid off, because a few days ago, I started writing Seaside Valleria 4 (Beth’s story). It was a slow start for me, but yesterday I finally got in a groove. I hope it keeps up. So, one of my goals for this weekend is to continue writing that book. It’s not due to my editor for a while, but I want to get a good head start. I know that I won’t be able to write every day (e.g., like when I have a rough health day, or when I’ve got guests at my house, which I will this month), so I’m trying to get a little ahead of the game now.
EDIT! Frannie’s story should also be on its way back to me from my editor this week or maybe early next. If I get that back in the next few days, I’ll also start working on those edits. This book is due to my copyeditor mid-to-late July, so this gets pushed up the priority list once I get it back. I’m hoping to release this August/September, but I need to see how substantial the edits I need to make are, just in case I need to move that around.
DESIGN! I’m also planning to work on the cover for Seaside Valleria 3. I’ve made really good progress on it already, but I wanted to tweak a few things. Hopefully, I can finish that up this weekend but, if I don’t, I’m okay with that. I still have plenty of time to finalize this. I’d also like to start working on the covers for Seaside Valleria 4 and 5; I’ve got the main images for those covers already and just need to do some edits to them as well. Those books actually won’t release until 2019, but the rest of my 2018 is very full of personal/day job/other commitments, so I’m again trying to get ahead of the game by finishing them early.
And those are my main author goals for the weekend, other than some admin-y type things.
What are your plans for the weekend? Comment on this post and let me know (if you’re receiving the blog by email, just click “Read More” to navigate to the blog page to comment).
~xoxo Marianne
This is Post 95 of 100 as part of the #100DaysofMKAuthorLife.
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