This is a tough holiday…
If you follow me on social media (or on this blog) I don’t usually post holiday reminders. I (and Valleria!) are inclusive, so if I post one holiday I feel like I need to post all of them, whether that’s a cultural holiday Mother’s Day or a religious holiday. I’m lucky that I know people from a variety of faiths and backgrounds – Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, and others – so I typically won’t post religious holidays at all.
Holidays like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day can be tough for many. I know some women who were not be able to have children and are not mothers in the traditional sense. I know others who didn’t have the best mothers, so this is not a holiday they really observe. There are other reasons as well why someone might not observe Mother’s Day, but this year I will post a message on my blog and Instagram for it, as part of my #100DaysofMKAuthorLife series.
I hope if you’re having a tough day today, know that you are not alone. If you are celebrating today, I hope you and your family have a wonderful day.
~xoxo Marianne
This is Post 41 of 100 as part of the #100DaysofMKAuthorLife.